- Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Site 5MT5 - Woods Canyon Pueblo
Site 5MT11842 - Sand Canyon Pueblo
Site 5MT765 - Castle Rock Pueblo
Site 5MT1825
The database is divided into four sections:
Field Data: Provenience, architecture, masonry, and feature data
Analysis Data: The results of a wide variety of artifact and ecofact analyses
Maps: Plan maps, stratigraphic profiles, and architectural cross sections
Photographs: Field and laboratory photographs, including selected artifact photos
Site 5MT5
[/hotspotitem] [hotspotitem] Woods Canyon Pueblo
Site 5MT11842
[/hotspotitem] [hotspotitem] Sand Canyon Pueblo
Site 5MT765
[/hotspotitem] [hotspotitem] Castle Rock Pueblo
Site 5MT1825
The Crow Canyon Archaeological Center Research Database is an extensive collection of field and laboratory data generated as a result of the Center’s ongoing research into prehistoric Pueblo Indian (Anasazi) culture. The database currently contains information on 20 archaeological sites in southwestern Colorado and southeastern Utah that have been excavated by Crow Canyon archaeologists and participants in the Center’s research and education programs. Information about additional sites will be made available as excavations and analyses continue.